How the cabinet door fits over the cabinet box determines the door overlay and apperarance of the kitchen.

Courtesy of Shiloh

Full overlay doors have approximately 1/4” to 3/8” spacing between them— they will cover most of the cabinet frame.

Courtesy of Shiloh

Standard overlay doors reveal about half of the face frame. Typically there is usually a 1” to 1 1/2” space between closed doors, allowing you to see much of the face frame. Because standard overlay doors are smaller than full overlay doors, they require less material, so this choice will reduce your cabinetry’s total cost.

Courtesy of Omega

Inset doors sit within the rails and stiles and lay flush with the front edges of the cabinet frame. Most inset doors are only available with framed construction. Note: wood may expand and contract because of humidity, making more frequent adjustment of doors necessary.

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